
A unique ceremony and celebration just for you.

A Blessing Way is an old Navajo (native American) ceremony, which celebrates a woman’s rite of passage into motherhood.
A Blessing Way is all about nurturing the mother, and filling her cup so it overflows with love and confidence as she awaits the birth of her baby.
A Blessing Way is a beautiful and unique way to honour a mother-to-be, spending time with her, sharing stories, creating confidence and strength.

Build bonds of friendship, family and support. Create your village and prepare for your new baby’s arrival surrounded those who love and understand you.

Get in touch if you would like to know more or are interested in having your own unique ceremony with your circle of female family and friends.

‘I feel so incredibly grateful for my Blessing Way Helen facilitated in my home. Having this opportunity to come together with the women in my family and some close friends who have been sharing the pregnancy of my second child with me was deeply moving. It was such a beautiful ceremony with powerful and meaningful words and rituals. Helen provided a safe and warm environment for us to connect to a sense of tradition and spirituality that is often easily lost in the chaos of life leading up to childbirth.’  

Laura Jones