+ Bubs

Specially designed to support women from the early post natal period to pre-crawling bubs.

Friday 10.30 to 11.30am
Next course starts 16th August 2024
Each 5 week course includes:
  • Relaxation, time to nourish tired bodies and minds and bond with your baby.
  • Circle with other local women and share experiences.
  • Emotional and physical support for mums facing the challenges of early motherhood
  • Yoga postures that restore energy and release tension in the neck, shoulders and back.
  • Supported, gentle movements and breathing to gently reconnect with the deep abdominal muscles and pelvic floor.

“It’s yoga for YOU, but baby comes too for some special time together, breathing, moving and relaxing.
So often all of your energy is focused on looking after your newborn at a time when it is so important to look after yourself.”

Suitable for women who have recently given birth, including those who had a c-section.
You can join these classes as soon after your birth as you feel ready. No previous yoga experience required.

Cost: $125
Includes short foundation pelvic floor practise guide plus option to join WhatsApp chat with other mums in your group.
Other studio passes are not valid for these specialist classes.
There are no refunds or make up lessons for the Mums and Bubs Yoga course.

“Finding a rhythm with a new bub takes time and patience and a focus on prioritising sleep!
Being gentle with yourself.
It is such a full on job.
In these classes the focus is on nurturing you.
Yes, we will do some pelvic floor and abdominal muscle connecting.
We will use the breath to relax and move away from the instinctive but exhausting new mum ‘high alert’ place we all shift into.
But most importantly, I want to offer you a safe, relaxed space to come to each week with your baby.
An easy, breezy place to meet and connect with other new mums.
Time to be with your baby – just being. Nothing else to do.
You can feed, change nappies, chat, lie down … whatever you feel like.
I will guide you though a gentle, effective practise, supporting you, helping with bub as much as I can so you feel like you’ve had a bit of a break.
Babies sometimes cry.
Sometimes they sleep.
Sometimes they feed.
We go with the flow.
So not to worry if bub is restless.
Just come along and be amongst friends.”